simonac : 標題:有獎遊戲!上次哥看到我菊花旁有一顆美人痣,這次帶哥哥一寸一寸的揭開殘寶貝身體的每一個角落!猜我倒地身上有幾顆痣!哥不能作弊哦!Game time! I play against you and see who gets the closest guess to how many moles I have on my body, then I’ll take you to examine every inch of my body ‘


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simonac's avatar
標題:有獎遊戲!上次哥看到我菊花旁有一顆美人痣,這次帶哥哥一寸一寸的揭開殘寶貝身體的每一個角落!猜我倒地身上有幾顆痣!哥不能作弊哦!Game time! I play against you and see who gets the closest guess to how many moles I have on my body, then I’ll take you to examine every inch of my body
ความยาว Video: 10:59